MP Board Class 11th English trimasik pariksha paper 2023

MP Board Class 11th ENGLISH Trimasik Paper 2023- कक्षा 11वीं त्रैमासिक परीक्षा अंग्रेज़ी 2023 डाउनलोड करे

MP Board Class 11 ENGLISH set- A Trimasik Paper 2023:

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मध्यप्रदेश द्वारा आयोजित त्रेमासिक परीक्षा का आगमन शुरू हो चूका है, और विद्यार्थी सब्जेक्ट वाइज ओरिजिनल पीडीऍफ़ की तलाश कर रहे है तो जैसा की आप सबको पता होगा 11 तारीख को अंग्रेज़ी का पेपर शुरू हो रहा है और सभी छात्र MP Board Class 11th ENGLISH Trimasik Paper 2023 की तलाश कर रहे है, तो MP Board Class 11 ENGLISH trimasik pariksha paper 2023 की तलाश कर रहे छात्रों के लिए बड़ी अपडेट सामने आ रही है, आज के इस लेख में हम आप Ha MP Board Class 11 ENGLISH Trimasik Paper 2023 Original pdf stand af MP Board Class 11 ENGLISH Trimasik Paper 2023 के माध्यम से अपनी तैयारी पूरी करके त्रेमासिक परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण कर सके ।

Class 11th ENGLISH trimasik pariksha paper 2023

MP Board class 11th ENGLISH traimasik pariksha overview

Topic MP Board Ttrimasik pariksha paper 2023 Pdf Download
Board Madhya Pradesh Board Of Secondary Education (MPBSE)
Class 11th, 11th, 11th,11th
Session 2023-24
Exam Date September 2023
Official Website Mpbse.Nic.In

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Class 11th Trimasik Questoin Paper pdf 2023 ENGLISH

यदि आपके पास MP Board Class 11 ENGLISH Trimashik Paper आयेगा तो उसमे यहाँ पर बताये जा रहे सभी निर्देश विस्तारपूर्वक होंगे। जिसका पालन करना काफी महत्वपूर्ण होगा, और यहाँ पर यह बताया जायेगा की MP Board Trimashik ENGLISH Paper Pattern 2023 किस तरह आप सबको क्वेशन को कैसे हल करना है और कोन सा क्वेशन कितने नंबर का है. यदि आप सब Class 11 Trimashik Quetion Paper Pdf 2023 ENGLISH डाउनलोड करने की सोच रहे है, तो यहाँ पर Class 11 Trimashik Papers Pdf 2023-24 देने जा रहे है, जिसके सहायता से MP Class 11 ENGLISH Trimashik Paper Pdf download कर सकते है।

MP Board 11th ENGLISH trimasik pariksha paper 2023

 class 11th trimashik paper की तैयारी के लिए छात्रों के पास अब कुछ ही दिनों का समय बचा हुआ है। समय के आभाव को मद्देनजर रखते हुए इस लेख के माध्यम से MP Board Class 11 ENGLISH Trimasik Paper 2023 तैयारी के लिए MP Board Class 11 ENGLISH Trimasik Paper 2023 को उपलब्ध कराया जा रहा है जिसके माध्यम से विद्यार्थी तैयारी कर सकेंगे।

MP Board Class 11th ENGLISH Trimasik Paper Leak 2023

एमपी बोर्ड क्लास 11th इंग्लिश त्रैमासिक पेपर 2023 के लिए हम MP Board Class 11 ENGLISH Trimasik Paper 2023 लेकर आ चुके है, एमपी बोर्ड MP Board Class 11 ENGLISH Trimasik Paper काफी आसान पूछा जाता है। इसके आंसर याद करके आसानी से पूरा उत्तर त्रैमासिक पेपर में लिखे जा सकते है। आपके जानकारी के लिए बता दे अंग्रेज़ी के त्रैमासिक पेपर में हर वर्ष पूछे जाने वाले महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न ही अधिक देखने को मिलते है।

ENGLISH Ka trimashik Paper 11th class 2023 MP Board

मध्यप्रदेश त्रैमासिक परीक्षा अंग्रेज़ी के प्रश्न आंसर लिख कर याद करने से आसानी हो जाता है, इस प्रकार उत्तर देने में किसी भी प्रकार की समस्या नहीं होंगी। परन्तु काफी छात्रों के लिए MP Board 11th ENGLISH trimashik paper 2023 को हल करना कठिन लगता होगा ऐसे छात्र इस लेख के क्वेशन को याद करके अच्छे नंबर प्राप्त कर सकेंगे। यदि आप सब यहाँ पर MP Board Class 11 ENGLISH Trimasik Paper 2023 डाउनलोड करने के उदेश्य से आये है तो हम आपको MP Board Class 11 ENGLISH Trimasik Paper 2023 डाउनलोड करने का पूरा सहायता करने वाले है,

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How To download MP Board Class 11 ENGLISH Ttrimasik pariksha paper 2023







Time: 3.00                                                                                                                                        Hours MM:80

Instructions: –

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Marks are indicated in front of each question.
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Section-A (Reading)

Q.1 Read the following passage and answer the questions on the basis of comprehension of the passage.

Academics has always been an essential part of human development. It prepares us to survive in the outside world and establish an identity of our own. But, is an individual’s development restricted to merely academics? In India, from an early age, we have been taught that education is limited to the boundaries of academics only; the idea of getting out into the field, for gaining practical experience, is always considered a hoax. This has hindered students’ development. But the truth is that education represents a considerably broader field than we know of it. Our teaching, from the basics, has been focused on getting good grades and job offers, rather than being creative and unique. In the 21stcentury, the pure academic type of education is slowly paving way for a whole new type. The paradigm shift in the whole education system is evident. People have now come to understand that education is a 360degree activity that should focus on students’ overall development, rather than restricting him/her to the classroom. Co-curricular activities that take place outside the classroom but reinforce or supplement classroom curriculum, in some way, have become a point of focus today. These activities help in the growth of the child, in more than one way. Participating in such activities helps youngsters grow mentally, socially and individually. Intellectual development of a student is developed in the classroom, but for the aesthetic development such as team- building, character- building, and physical growth, students must step out into the outside world. For instance, if a student is a part of school football team, he/ she will learn teamwork and coordination, in a practical manner, which cannot be taught in the class.


Questions:                                                                                                                                           1×10=10

(i) What is an essential part of human development?

(a) identity (b) experience (c) academics (d) curriculum

(ii) What is considered a hoax? (a)academics

(b) education (c) practical experience (d) coordination

(iii) What has hindered students’ development?

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(a)working in outside world (b)learning team work

(c)gaining practical experience (d) limiting education to boundaries of academics

(iv) The shift in education system means-

(a) to restrict classroom activities (b) to ignore 360-degree development (c) to focus on overall development (d) to develop academics only

(v) Which of the following is similar in meaning to the word ‘hoax’-

(a) truth (b) untrue (c) unmask (d) uncover

(vi) Which activities have become a point of focus today?

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(a) classroom activities (b)academic activities (c)teaching activities (d) co-curricular activities (vii)Why must students step out into the outside world?

(a) to see the world (b)for physical development

(c) for aesthetic development (d) for mental development

(viii)The time period of 100 years is-

(a)decade (b) century (c) millennium (d) anniversary

  1. ix) Which of the following is the correct antonym of ‘unique’-

(a) rare (b)common (c) special (d) unusual

(x) Classroom teaching provides-

(a) practical exposure (b)chance to learn other skills (c)the foundation (d) limitless opportunities for development


Q.2 Read the following passage and make notes on the basis of your comprehension of the

passage. Give a suitable title.                                                                                                                             4


This isn’t a mountain region of mere subjective beauty. Nor one, which claims its greatness, based on just an overwhelming opinion of a large majority. For Sikkim is a treasure that few know about. However, the facts of its remarkable geography bear enough testimony to pitch Sikkim in a slot that no other mountain region, anywhere in the world, could duplicate or rival. What Everest is to peaks, Sikkim is to the mountains. Tragically, a region so wild and exotic and with such geographic and climatic extremes, with its amazing wilds and not its unremarkable hill stations, ensure its accessibility to the adventurous only.

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Just delve on these facts a bit. From the plains, in a mere 80 km as the crow flies, the altitude reaches 28,168 feet at the very top of Kanchenjunga, the third highest peak in the world. Such a sharp elevation is unrivalled anywhere else and is the first geographical claim of Sikkim.

The second is an offshoot of the first. Nowhere else do so many 7,000 metre plus peaks crowd up in such a confined space. And the third is really a consequence of the first and the second with the sharp gradation, creating the most variegated flora and fauna possible anywhere in the mountains. The fourth uniqueness is also a consequence of the first and the second and lies in the extremes of the climate which ranges from the tropical to the typical arctic type. And the fifth claim is its thin permanent population and relatively fewer travellers by virtue of its remote far-eastern Himalayan location

Section-B (Writing)

Q.3 You are the member of school ‘Echo Club’. Write a notice informing the students about the tree plantation drive in your school.                                                                                                                         4


You are Mohan, student of Govt MGHSS Bhopal. Your school is going to organize a blood donation camp. Design an attractive poster

Q.4 Write an application to your principal requesting him to change your subjects. You want to opt Arts Group instead of Science Group.                                                              4


You are Anil Verma, residing at 20, Shivaji Nagar, Sagar. Write a letter to your friend Dinesh inviting him to spend summer vacation in your village.


Q.5 Write an article on any one of the following topics in about 120 words.                                          4

1 Importance of Games and Sports

  1. Benefits of Modern Technology
  2. Importance of Protecting Trees

4 Impact of Global Warming

5 Man, Computer and Mobile.

. Or

Write a report giving the detailed account of the ‘Annual Sports Day’ held in your school.

Section- C (Grammar)

Q.6 Fill in the blanks– (Any five)                                                                                                                 1×5=5

1.They are watching – movie. (a/an/the)

2.The lame boy tried to climb up the staircase without— help. (any/some/few)

  1. They — to a restaurant yesterday. (go/went/gone)
  2. Do you know—has happened? (that/ what/why)
  3. The weather was cold but there was — wind. (any/no/none)
  4. The post office is—— the street from the grocery store. (across/by/among)

7.If she—–a bird, she would fly. (are/was/were)

Q.7 Do as directed– (Any five)                                                                                                                    1×5=5

  1. We did it. (Change into negative)
  2. The/is /Himalaya/highest/the/world/mountain/of/the. (Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence)
  3. He is sleeping for three hours. (Correct the sentence)
  4. He is very poor. He cannot pay his fees. (Combine using ‘so—that’)
  5. They are playing Football. (Change the voice)
  6. Raja cried for milk. (Change into present indefinite)

Section-D (Textbooks)

Q.8 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.                           5

We lifted her off the bed and, as is customary, laid her on the ground and covered her with a red shroud. After a few hours of mourning, we left her alone to make arrangements for her funeral. In the evening we went to her room with a crude stretcher to take her to be cremated. The sun was setting and had lit her room and verandah with a blaze of golden light. We stopped half-way in the courtyard.

All over the verandah and in her room right up to where she lay dead and stiff wrapped in the red shroud, thousands of sparrows sat scattered on the floor. There was no chirruping. We felt sorry for the birds and my mother fetched some bread for them. She broke it into little crumbs, the way my grandmother used to, and threw it to them. The sparrows took no notice of the bread. When we carried my grandmother’s corpse off, they flew away quietly. Next morning the sweeper swept the bread crumbs into the dustbin.


  1. i) Who was covered with a red shroud?

(a) the grandfather (b) the grand mother

(c) the mother (d) the poet’s sister

  1. ii) Why did the birds not eat the breadcrumbs?

(a) because they were not hungry (b) because they were mourning

(c) because they wanted to eat something else (d) because they had no time to eat

iii) Which word in the passage means ‘a dead body’?

इसे पढ़े :-  Mp board class 11th English paper 2023 | कक्षा 11 अंग्रेजी सेट- C का पेपर वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023

(a) shroud (b) blaze

(c) corpse (d) funeral

  1. iv) Who is the author of the above passage?

(a) Nick Middleton (b) Khushwant Singh

(c) A. R. Williams (d) Shirley Toulson

  1. v) The birds —-

(a)ate the bread crumbs (b) did not eat bread crumbs

(c)swept the bread crumbs into the dustbin (d) chirruped loudly

Q.9(A) Read the following extract from the poem and answer the questions given below-               3

And who ort thou? said I to the soft falling shower,

Which, strange to tell, gave me an answer, as here translated:

I am the poem of Earth, said the voice of rain,

Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea,

Upward to heaven, whence vaguely form’d, altogether changed, and yet the same.


  1. i) The poem of earth is-

(a) Tree (b) River(c) Rain (d) Flower

  1. ii) What is the meaning of impalpable?

(a) Something that cannot be eaten(b) Something that cannot be digested

(c) Something that cannot be smelled(d) something that cannot be touched

iii) Which poem these lines have been taken from?

(a) The voice of the Rain(b) A photograph

(c) The laburnum top (d) Father to son

Q.9(B) Read the following passage and answer the questions given below –                                 4

IN July 1976, my wife Mary, son Jonathan, 6, daughter Suzanne, 7, and I set sail from Plymouth, England, to duplicate the round-the-world voyage made 200 years earlier by Captain James Cook. For the longest time, Mary and I — a 37-year-old businessman — had dreamt of sailing in the wake of the famous explorer, and for the past 16 years, we had spent all our leisure time honing our seafaring skills in British waters. Our boat Wave walker, a 23 meter, 30-ton wooden-hulled beauty, had been professionally built, and we had spent months fitting it out and testing it in the roughest weather we could find. The first leg of our planned three-year, 105,000 kilometre journey passed pleasantly as we sailed down the west coast of Africa to Cape Town.



  1. i) What was the occupation of the writer?

(a) a businessman (b) a sailor (c) a doctor (d) a Navy office

  1. ii) What does ‘seafaring’ mean?

(a) Swimming in a sea (b) trading by sea (c) regular travelling by sea (d) None of these

iii) What was the name of their boat?

(a) Titanic (b) Voyager (c) Wave walker (d) Avenger

  1. iv) Which of these is similar in meaning to leisure?

(a) limited time (b) free time (c) labour (d) difficulty


Q.10 Answer the following questions from Hornbill in about 30 words- (any 5)                                  10

  1. When was the link of the friendship between the author and his grandmother snapped?
  2. Which Island did they find nearby using their charts?

3 Who was Tutankhamun.?

  1. Who were other two crew men that accompanied the journey?

5 Describe the author’s grandfather.

  1. What could the author not believe about his grandfather??

Q.11 Answer the following questions from poetry in about 30 words- (any 3)                                       6

  1. Who are the persons in the photograph? (The Photograph)
  2. Why the laburnum tree become yellow in the month of September? (The Laburnum Top)

3.What will happen if it doesn’t rain? ( The Voice of Rain)

  1. What was compared with Goldfinch movement? (The Laburnum Top)

Q.12Answer the following questions from Snapshots in about 30 words- (any 3)

  1. Why did the boys return the white horse to its owner?
  2. Why had the author come to visit Mrs. Dorling?
  3. When did the narrator first learn about the existence of Mrs Dorling?

Q.13Answer the following questions in about 75 words-(any 2)                                                               6

  1. Describe the author’s grandmother. (The Portrait of a Lady)
  2. Under the adverse conditions, children had exhibited exemplary courage. Please elaborate the statement (We are not afraid to die)
  3. Write a short note in 75 words about King Tut. (Discovering Tut)

Q.14 Write the central idea of the poem ‘A Photograph.’                                                                            3


What is the central idea of the poem, The Voice of the Rain?

Q.15 ‘The Address’ is a story of human predicament that follows war. Comment.                                 3


The story ‘The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse’ begins in a mood of nostalgia. Can you narrate some incident from your childhood that might make an interesting story?

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